One thing I've continued to learn this year is the concept of thankfulness tied in with the Feast. There are over 80 verses in which thanking the LORD is noted.
In Exodus 23:16 and 34:22 the Feast is also called the Feast of Ingathering, because they were to bring in the harvest. It was a time of thanking God for all that He had supplied. This is where the concept of Thanksgiving comes from, however it is merely a replacement of HIS Feast of Ingathering/Tabernacles.
There is so much that I can be thankful for that my Father has given me. It's a wonder to me that many times I complain or grumble about the very things that God has supplied for my good! Complaining, or murmuring, against the LORD is sin (Numbers 14:27). It's my carnal nature, the flesh, that hates God and cannot be subject to HIS Torah (Law) (Romans 8:7) that refuses to acknowledge His goodness and mercy! However, my spirit, in walking with His Spirit, sees the blessings He has bestowed upon me and rejoices in the fact that my Father loves me so much! I have to ask for His forgiveness for my selfish attitude and continue to walk in the light of His Torah that I might crucify that carnal nature (Galatians 5:24).
As this Feast draws to a close I am reminded of the beginning of this year, during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, how the principle of removing the sin (represented in the leaven) from my self continued long after the Feast was done. I believe this Feast of Tabernacles will be no different. Long after it is done, I will no doubt be challenged and reminded to offer up thanksgiving to my God for who He is and all that He has done and is going to do! He is worthy of my praise! And all of this is a grand reflection of the fact that we will one day dwell, literally 'tabernacle', with HIM (Revelation 21:3). Hallelujah!
That is why Yeshua (Jesus) came to dwell with man the first time...to destroy the works of the devil and give us new life and a hope for eternity with HIM (1 John 3:8; 1 Corinthians 15:20-28). He was called Immanuel which means God with us (Matthew 1:23). Read Revelation 21:3 again.
It's amazing that the professing church has taken elements of the Feast of Tabernacles and embellished them into Thanksgiving and Christmas! What a perversion of the truth! I pray that He continues to open eyes and ears to the Truth of His Word, His Law, and guide us in all righteousness.
I'm far from perfect, but I don't want to use that as an excuse and reject His Torah, which is loving instruction, just because of my humanity. On the contrary I want to walk in the light of His Law so that I might crucify my flesh and know what is pleasing and displeasing to Him who bought me with His own blood!!
He tabernacles with me now (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) and will forevermore Revelation 21-22!!!
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