
Ephesians 5:11

Well I thought that it was time to clean things up a bit :)

I've started an additional blog to this one entitled Ephesians 5:11.

In the book of Ephesians, chapter 5 v 11, Paul writes:

"and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them."

This is a call to all believers to not stand idly by as wickedness takes place, but to stand up and call out the enemy, our flesh, and this world which are in opposition to the LORD! To expose the evil practices of man by shedding the light of the Word of God on them, but we can only do that if we ourselves are walking in the light of His Word...in obedience to His Commandments.

Actually I wanted to call it Ephesians 5 because the entire chapter speaks volumes of what we should be doing and living like according to God's standard of righteousness, but believe it or not that name was already taken! So I figured verse 11 kinda says it all.

I plan on devoting more time here at Ezekielthree to studies in the Scriptures, while the new blog will also incorporate some of that but mostly focus on looking at the evil practices and demonic goings on in the world including paganism (especially that which is in the professing church), the many lies concerning health issues, false doctrines, and other such topics.

I will be eventually moving some articles from this blog over to Ephesians511, those that would fit better there. But as I said my goal is to dig more into the Scriptures here at Ezekielthree and seek the LORD for His understanding.

Hopefully these two blogs will help keep things a bit more organized and easier to find as well as cause awarness of what we as followers of Messiah need to be doing as we sojourn through this world.

Blessings in HIM, Jason


jono vandor said...

G'day Jason! I've had a look at Ephesians 5:11, it looks great! I'm looking forward to reading your posts and I've added it to my blog list... I'll mention it on the radio tomorrow :-)



Jason said...

Hey Jono, thanks! Prayerfully the LORD is glorified and people will be edified through the blog.
I thank the LORD for your service and obedience to HIM!

Blessings in HIM to you and your family,
