
Freedom's Slipping Grip

A former youth in Adolf Hitler's Nazi party is warning America that it's headed in the same direction.

Hilmar von Campe served in the Hitler Youth under Nazi Germany and saw first hand the National Socialism first hand, though he didn't fully understand it until years later.

Now a U.S. citizen and author, von Campe is proclaiming a warning to Americans that we are walking the same road that leads to National Socialism.

"Today in America we are witnessing a repeat performance of the tragedy of 1933 when an entire nation let itself be led like a lamb to the Socialist slaughterhouse.", said von Campe.

His message is most poignant to the churches in this country -
"The silence from our pulpits regarding the moral collapse of American society from within is not very different from the silence that echoed from the pulpits in Germany toward Nazi policies,"

However, it is not simply a lack of churches getting involved with the political system. No, in fact it goes much further than that. Professing christians today, especially pastors and leaders, are rejecting the very Living Word - Jesus our Messiah. They are rejecting the Torah of God and thereby opening a door for the man of lawlessness.

The church has painted their picture of a Jesus that looks very little like the One of the Scriptures. Blond haired, blue eyed, and saving us no matter how much we sin without repentance...this is not the God of the bible.

Jesus, the Living Word of God, the Law/Torah in the flesh has given His word which, like a sword, divides. It divides between our spirit and our flesh. It divides those who are for Him from those who are against Him. Between the wheat and the tares which are growing together until He seperates them...the wheat being believers and the tares being unbelievers. He will gather His people (wheat) unto Himself, but those who are unbelievers (tares) will be cast into the fire.

If we find ourselves in opposition to His Torah, then we are in opposition to Him and therefore will be cast away. Additions and subtractions to His Word are lies, and because of that very reason, the Pharisees and other religious leaders missed Jesus - the Living Word - when He was standing right in front of them! They were blinded by their own traditions and laws and made the commandments of God ineffective in their lives(Matthew 15:3-9).

"Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates to the city. But outside are dogs, sorcerers, adulterers, murderers, idolaters, and those who love and practice a lie." - Revelation 22:14-15.

Does that mean that if we obey His commandments we're saved? We know that no one is justified by the works of the law (Galatians 2:16) but by faith we are justified, and by that faith we establish His Law in our lives (Romans 3:31).

True, biblical faith is hearing the Word of God and acting upon it (Romans 10:17; James 2:17-26).

So now, with the presidential election over, and president-elect Barack Obama soon to take office, we must remember that Yahweh is far bigger then Obama or any other leader in this world. The LORD is far bigger than the devil - the enemy of our souls. HE is our Rock and our Salvation! Our faith must be in Him and through obedience to Him, out of love for Him, we will abide in His love and protection. What can man do to us when God is on our side!

There is no need to fear, but there is certainly a need for prayer. Barack Obama can still accept the Lord Jesus as Savior and turn his life over to the ONLY King! It is not in our hands, but in the LORD's, and greater is He that is in us, then he who is in the world. But if Obama continues in his "socialistic" ideals we may find ourselves in a similar situation to what von Campe did when he was a boy growing up in Nazi Germany. Plans like Obama's required "civilian national security force" is a high point of discussion for many. Granted, most youth (and adults) in this country need to be "encouraged" to get off our lazy rear ends and DO something productive. However, creating a civilian "police force" with the same amount of funding as our branches of the military, and mandatory boot camps for youth sounds a bit...troubling. Here's a link to an article on this subject found and World Net Daily:
"Emanuel volunteers Americans to do 'a lot'"

If Obama pushes his liberal agendas, this country will be sorely up for judgment by God. He will not be patient with sin forever. We can rest assured in His promises as we continue to truly seek Him and walk as He walked...in the truth of His Torah.

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