

It's interesting to me how people can so easily deny something when it's smacking them in the face.

There are seemingly endless arguments out there that contribute the thought that Halloween is harmless fun for the kids and any connection what-so-ever to ancient pagan rites or the occult are merely amusing at best.

I find this disturbing....at best.

The LORD clearly states in His Word that He wants us to be separate from activities and traditions that are heathen in origin (Jeremiah 10:1-5; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18). But why? Because He knows that what's behind these practices are demonic and each step we take toward such influences is another step away from Him. Heathen, or pagan, traditions like the Druidic divination practices in observance of Samhain (pronounce sow-een) which means "summer's end", are of the very sort that God warns to stay away from. The time of year during the end of fall when they believed the "line" between the living and the dead became blurred and spirits would often come back to visit the land of the living.

It would appear that every tradition in Halloween comes from these practices of the ancient Celtic people and have carried over into present times, almost unbroken.

What's more frightening is that people often deny the relationship between Halloween and the occult. Many people who have had serious involvment with the occult know full well that there is more to it than just urban legends.

Not to mention the sheer darkness that envelopes this festival is clearly not of God. In accordance with His Word it's safe to say that He is not pleased with the observation of this festival of the dead, which by the way, the Catholic church tried to "christianize" which is also condemned by the LORD. Melding pagan practices with true worship of Him (Deuteronomy 12:1-4).

All in all I'd say we had better start being serious about listening to what God is saying, not man.

For further study on this un-holy day here's a couple of links:



May the LORD bless you as you seek His truth.

1 comment:

jamesstumpf said...

you are so rite about this. It's hard to bleace that it got so big. I think because it so much fun to dress up crazy like like that. And it's something we've grown up doing. It's hard to put it down. I didn't do anything this year?? Anyway I hope to see ya soon. Take care!!!!!! Love ya Man!