
False Doctrine - Religious Pluralism

This interview was done over a decade ago, but the message is one that continues to grow and infest the professing church. These two men, Robert Schuller and Billy Graham, (and those like them) are nothing but false teachers! They are encompassing land and sea and making people twice the son of hell as they are!
To deny Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) as the ONLY way of salvation is not only blasphemous but also dangerous.

Other false teachers, such as Joel Osteen, John Hagee, T.D. Jakes, Joyce Meyers, and many more, permeate our radios and televisions, and share a gospel that is no gospel at all! Yeshua said repent and for us to follow Him! He is the gatekeeper and the door. No one else!
May they be judged by God who is the Judge.
There is a short, but powerful video on the heretical statements of Joel Osteen concerning Mormonism and the false unity that is the spirit of anti-Christ.
It can be found at www.torahperspective.com!

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