
The Church of Oprah?!

False teachers aren't just men.

Oprah and her hosts of "new age" teachers and authors are nothing but false prophets spreading a message of antichrist.
Far too many people are believing the lies of the enemy and Oprah and many others like her are empowering that false doctrine.

There is ONLY ONE WAY of salvation...ONE WAY to the Father...ONE WAY to eternal LIFE and that is through faith in Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ)!

Praise Yahweh that He sent His Son, Yeshua/Jesus (whose given name means 'salvation') to die upon a cross for our sins that we might be forgiven and able to walk in HIS commandments....HIS Torah. To walk in the light as He IS the light! Praise YAH (Yahweh) that He gave us a choice and didn't leave us nor forsake us in this darkened world.

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