
The Trouble with Vaccines

This article was taken from a newsletter on the From Fields and Gardens website written by Jennifer Ferris. Dear Friends, Many of you may have noticed the coverage lately in the media about the importance of the flu vaccine. A "panel" has made the reccomendation that all children between 6 months and 18 years be vaccinated for the influenza virus. They also suggest that everbody over 50 be vaccinated. They share some pretty scary statistics with the public, such as the 68 children who died last year from complications caused by the flu. So far this year 22 children have died. Let us put this into perspective, please. What is the percentage we are talking about here? 68 out of 59 million? I hate math, so I won't take a swing at figuring it out. But, I can tell you that it is very small! The fact that they are even using this empty scare tactic is absurd! How many children die each year from falling down the stairs? Choking? Other common childhood illnesses? In fact, we still see the very childhood illnesses that are mandatory immunizations strike all over the USA each year in isolated incidences. My oldest son was vaccinated for Pertussis (Whooping Cough) and was still infected by the disease as a one year old. It was nasty, but he survived it! The truth is that more children will die this year from complications to vaccinations than from influenza. That is the truth. Another fact to consider is that the flu vaccine is a shot in the dark. Each year the flu strikes, whether the public is vaccinated or not. That is because they have no way of knowing which strain of the flu is the one that will attack. It has also been suggested that the flu vaccine is creating stronger strains of the virus. What does the medical community have to gain from forcing vaccines? Well, the answer is simple. Money. The pharmaceutical companies that formulate these vaccines are set to make billions of dollars if they can convince the public that they need these shots. And the doctors gain monetary benefits, as well. They are, in fact, the primary salespeople for "Big Pharm". In case you have not picked up on it yet, this kind of thing really bugs me! I was once the mother who did everything that the doctors told me to do. I had my oldest children vaccinated on schedule like a good little soldier. I never questioned it. It wasn't until my youngest daugter became very ill from her "shots" that my eyes were opened. She was a beautiful, healthy baby who had never had so much as a sniffle. And yet here she was...cheeks bright red, eyes glassy, no appetite, lethargic...for nearly one week. What had I done to her? I was frightened! Praise the LORD that He protected her from my ignorance and she recovered just fine. But, how many babies don't recover "just fine". Sadly, too many. We never hear about them though, do we? My daughter was only sick for one week. Compared to the babies who don't make it at all, that seems petty. As I thought back, I realized that none of my children had ever been ill, except for the period directly following a set of vaccinations. That was when ear infections developed, fevers, fussiness. Why? In fact, often it was as if they had the very same illnesses that they were innoculated for. Now, don't get me wrong. Most of the time, they came through the shots no worse for wear...but, sometimes they were bothered by them. Maybe mildly, but still...why? That was it for me. I began to research. I urge you to do the same. What you will find might shock you. Since we made the decision to treat illnesses naturally and depend on doctors for emergency situations only, we have only had one of our children to the doctor in over six years! The one incident was when Gabriella fell and fractured her skull. No vaccine exists for bumped heads. I am sure they are working on one. So, what should you do to prevent the flu from striking? It has been hitting people in our area pretty hard. The best way to treat the flu is to prevent it by building up your immune system. If you have a strong immune system, even if you do get sick, you will be better able to fight it off and your system will be strengthened even more by forcing your natural, God-given, immune fighting abilites to step up to the plate. Some tips: #1- Wash hands often! #2- Drink extra fluids, especially pure water with fresh squeezed lemon juice or grapefruit juice. #3- Drink kefir! Smoothies made with kefir and raw fruits are excellent! #4- Take your immune boosting herbs, such as Flu Fighter! If you made yourself a bottle of syrup, now is the time to take regular doses. #5- Eat healthy meals and avoid sugars and processed foods. Vegetarian meals are encouraged, but chicken soup with lots of garlic is good. #6- Keep things clean. Spray the air with essential oil spritzers (tea tree, lavender, peppermint). #7- Get some fresh air. #8- Get extra rest. #9- Use a natural hand sanitizer when you are out in public. #10-This should always be first on the list, but we often forget and make it an after thought...Pray that God protects your family from illness and plagues. I will put recipes for hand sanitizer and air spritzers on the message board. I have a link at the website to a fantastic vaccine information site. Check it out! Also, www.mercola.com also has lots of important information about vaccine dangers. Educate yourself! Shalom, Jennifer Ferris www.fromfieldsandgardens.com Jennifer@fromfieldsandgardens.com

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